What to do with your website during a crisis
With face to face trading either not possible or more difficult, your business website needs to step up. Many businesses have been...

Your monthly activity statement (BAS) is due on the 21st
Your monthly activity statement is due by the 21st of this month. Use the following checklist to make sure you are ready for lodgement...

What to do before re-opening your store
As lock down measures ease, you can finally get back to face-to-face trading. But what do you need to put in place before opening your...

Inspirational podcasts for lockdown
Podcasts are often on our list of things to do, but for many business owners, there are often not enough hours in the day. The current...

How to safeguard your team’s mental health
The coronavirus pandemic has forced a significant amount of change and upheaval onto you and your team – in a very short amount of time....

Managing cashflow and accessing emergency funding
Working capital is a vital component of any successful trading business – providing the liquid cash needed for everyday operations....

Your PAYG withholding statement (IAS) is due on the 21st
Some employers need to pay PAYG withholding liabilities to the ATO monthly, even if the BAS is lodged quarterly. The monthly instalment...

Using testimonials and case studies to transform your business
Good reviews are gold for your business. You can spend all day telling people how wonderful and great your product or service is, but...

JobKeeper enrolment extends
The Australian Commissioner of Taxation has extended the time to enrol for the initial JobKeeper periods, from 30 April 2020 until 31 May...

Business sustainability in uncertain times
For business owners, it is hard to predict when things will return to normal. Even when lockdown measures ease, there is still a huge...

What can you do to prepare now, for a return to business?
In the context of the Covid-19 outbreak, the duty to remove or minimise health and safety risks in your business has become harder. When...